I have developed the front end for the Rolo-Tutor Project 🤖, a chatbot-based educational tool designed to teach Python 🐍 using React ⚛️ and Chart.js 📊 among other technologies.
✨ My Tasks Involve:
- 🔑 Microsoft OAuth 2.0 Integration: Implementing user authentication using Microsoft OAuth 2.0 to ensure secure access to the chatbot for authenticated users only.
- 🎨 User-Friendly Interface: Building a dynamic, interactive UI, including modal forms for student feedback submission.
- 📊 Developer Dashboard: Creating a dashboard to help developers visualize and analyze student feedback effectively.
- 🔍 Topic Clustering: Grouping related questions into clusters, visualized in a bubble chart 🫧 that users can click to explore further.
- 📈 Traffic & Message Analytics: Using Chart.js to display web app and Discord traffic trends, including the number of messages exchanged per day.
- 🚀 CI/CD Pipeline: Implementing a continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipeline that automatically deploys both the backend and frontend to Google Cloud Platform ☁️ whenever a new version is pushed to the main branch.
- 🐳 Deployment: Hosting the web app on Google Cloud Platform using Docker 🏗️ for scalable and efficient containerized deployment.