Developed a Django-based UI to streamline the submission process for CEUR-WS proceedings.
Created a user interface using Django that allows workshop organizers to manually input workshop metadata, which is stored and displayed for later review and editing.
Authors receive a private URL to upload papers, with fields prefilled from extracted PDF metadata.
Developed features to double-check data accuracy, such as verifying if licensing agreements are uploaded and hand-signed.
Developed reaordering sessions within a workshop as well as papers within a session.
Integrated the OpenReview API to retrieve and parse metadata for publications. Implemented a mechanism to scrape unique OpenReview IDs for batch publications.
Added a workflow for users to search and select existing workshops on OpenReview, pre-populating workshop metadata and author information in the UI. This minimized manual input errors and streamlined the process for users familiar with OpenReview.
Implemented a structured JSON output for both organizers and authors to capture detailed metadata.
Designed a process to convert JSON metadata into HTML adhering to the structure used on the CEUR-WS website. Implemented a static page generator to render HTML files on the Apache server, allowing easy access and publication of workshop information.